Register for 2020 here – closed
Download a pdf of the Application/Registration Questions
The 2020 International Summer Institute will be held virtually August 9 – 11 and August 24 – 26, 2020. This is an intensive six-day program with peer students, researchers and industry leaders. The 2020 topics include research methods and approaches for health informatics, tele- and digital-health, plus a special focus on data science, robotics, artificial intelligence, and associated data governance and ethical-legal issues.
All potential attendees must complete this short application. Two additional questions will be asked of those students and post-docs applying to be an International Fellow.
The cost of the program is $150 per module (total of $300) (US) for students and post-docs, and $300 per module (total of $600) (US) for faculty and others. This fee covers the cost of the program.
International Fellowship Award
Fellowships are available to support the attendance of currently-enrolled PhD students and post-doctoral trainees at this intensive six-day program with peer students, researchers and industry leaders. Successful applicants will be named 2020 International Fellows and receive remission of the $300 program fee which covers summer institute attendance.
Program eligibility and requirements
Prospective Fellows must be currently enrolled and in good standing in a PhD program (at the time of application and for the fall of 2020) or be a trainee in a post-doctoral position. Priority will be given to PhD students and post-docs at a TTRN-affiliated university or a CITRIS-affiliated campus of the University of California. Applicants from other universities will be considered after priority candidates have been reviewed.
Fellows must attend the entire six-day program. All attendees must submit a five-page (single spaced) academic research paper related to the topic proposed in the application by Aug. 1, 2020. Any published papers, posters, or presentations resulting from participation in the program should acknowledge this Fellowship award. Students usually arrange independent study graduate credit through their own institution, if desired. This course is the equivalent of three units (US) or three ECTs (Denmark).